The perfect Mexican game!

Tired of watching TV and doing free online courses? Are you running out of ideas to entertain your children? Pedacito de Corazón brings you the perfect solution: "Lottery"! (never better said).

The Mexican Lotería [lottery] is a traditional and familiar board game that can be played by children and adults regardless of whether you know Spanish, because its drawings are very explicit and you can easily recognize them.

Mexican loteria cards featuring el corazón and el catrin

Playing is super easy, (it is like Bingo, but the Mexican way), we give you the instructions to learn how to play:

  1. The game consists of 10 boards and a deck of cards with 54 figures. That you can download here.
  2. Each participant chooses a board to play.
  3. A participant will be chosen to pick the cards randomly one by one and "shout" the characters that appear on each card. In Mexico we call this participant "El Gritón" [the Yeller]. The more creative the scream the better!
  4. If the yelled card appears on the player´s board you should put something over the figure to indicate that came out. We Mexicans put beans, but you can use anything like tokens, rocks or pennies.
  5. The purpose of the game is to complete the board you have. The first one to complete it must shout LOTERÍA! To inform the other players.

All the figures and characters of the Lotería represent Mexican folklore and culture, so while playing with family and friends you can learn more about Mexican culture and why not? Practice a little Spanish!

Mexican loteria card ft. el alacran
Note: Above we leave you a link for you to download the game, print the boards and play right away!
If you prefer to buy it, we found in Amazon a lot of types of Loterías that we really liked!
If going virtual is your thing, click this link because in 2019 Google launched an interactive Doodle to celebrate the game, with reinvented figures and characters. We loved it!

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